Innovation is a strategic part of CYPE. As a result of this commitment to research, the R&D department of CYPE has become the pillar on which the company launches its new products and services aimed at digitalizing the construction sector with ICT solutions, which improve the competitiveness of all the agents involved while favouring more sustainable and less polluting construction methods.
Thanks to this firm commitment, CYPE has renewed its "Innovative SME" certificate, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities to Spanish companies with proven experience in innovation and research. In the case of CYPE, the Ministry has valued its commitment to introduce ICT in this construction sector with this certificate, which is valid for three years (until 12thFebruary 2022).
According to Pablo Gilabert, director of Innovation at CYPE, the company has invested over six million euros in the last five years in areas related to Open BIM technology, energy efficiency, renovation projects, Big Data, 3D Printing, structural calculations, MEP and fire simulations. "Thanks to this effort we have managed to develop the most advanced software solutions in the market", highlights Pablo Gilabert.
This determination has made CYPE one of the companies in the sector that has most invested and bet on the development, implementation and use of Open BIM technology in the world, according to the "Global Building Information Modeling (BIM) Market" report by the international consultancy Credence Research of the United States (USA). These results have been possible thanks to the participation in national and international research projects, and the collaboration with different companies and organizations for which high-value ad hoc solutions have been developed.
The latest research projects in which CYPE has participated include:
- BIMSpeed. European project focused on reducing 30% of the time allocated to rehabilitation projects using advanced BIM systems.
- RenoZEB. European project whose aim is to unblock the rehabilitation market of buildings of almost zero energy (nZEB) by developing innovative components, processes and decision making methodologies that guide the different agents involved in the renovation process of the building.
- Project that aims to consolidate an open collaborative environment where all agents of the construction sector can interact and share information using standard open formats.
- 3D Cons. Project focused on the development of new robotic systems to print real scale construction elements or rehabilitate facades by directly printing on vertical elements.
- BIMSavesEnergy. Austrian initiative whose objective is to specifically quantify the impact of the decisions taken in the field of energy efficiency in a construction project during the project planning and management phases.
- BIM Data. National project whose aim is to develop Big Data functionalities for the platform that enable the automatic search and prediction of requirements, provides advice on solutions to be implemented in the projects and offer services of other professionals in the network.
- ACCEPT. European project focused on minimizing errors in the execution of building works and improving the energy efficiency of the building thanks to the use of new technologies such as mobile devices or Smart Glasses.
- CloudFlow. European project whose objective is to improve the design of buildings in terms of fire safety from the development of simulation software based on CFD and connected to high performance clusters.
- IFC+. National project focused on the development and improvement of interoperability standards between BIM platforms.
- HOLISTEEC. European project whose aim is the development of a platform, based on BIM and the cloud that offers support for advanced design and optimization of construction processes.
- Seismic Analysis. National project that has allowed for the development of a software capable of calculating the effect the non-structural elements of a building have on the structure during an earthquake.
- Geoglass Energy. National project that has allowed for the development of software capable of calculating and studying the energy improvement provided by the incorporation of geothermal applications and active glazing in buildings.
In addition to these research projects, CYPE has also developed different innovative solutions in collaboration with other institutions, companies and business associations. These partners include:
- ASPRIMA. With the Association of Real Estate Developers of Madrid, CYPEURBAN has been developed; software to reduce the time to grant planning licenses.
- Scientific and Technical Centre for Building of France (CSTB). Development of CYPETHERM COMETH programs, to perform the energy simulation of buildings and ACOUBATBIM by CYPE to analyze the acoustic insulation and conditioning of buildings. Work is currently being carried out on the development of software for the Analysis of the Life Cycle of buildings in France.
- Government of Morocco. CYPE has developed, for the Government of Morocco, the official computer tool to diagnose and calculate the requirements of the thermal regulations of buildings in the country.
- TOSHIBA, DAIKIN and FUJITSU. CYPE collaborates with the most important air conditioning companies around the world to include their solutions in the Open BIM workflow.